When Do Pomeranians Stop Growing?

When some asks “when do Pomeranians stop growing?“, they are often referring to either their size or their coat.

Pomeranians have fluffy and thick coats that enhance their overall cute appearance.

Pomeranian owners need to understand the coat stages of their dogs to have a healthy pooch.

This article will help you learn everything you need about the various growth stages of your Pomeranian.

When Do Pomeranians Stop Growing? Pomeranian Growth Chart:

You can use the following general formula to calculate your dog’s final size for small dog breeds such as the Pomeranians.

In fact, while this formula can apply to different dog breeds, the readings are far more accurate in smaller dogs.

Although this does not answer the question of when do Pomeranians stop growing, it can give you a good indicator.

The calculation might be off by several pounds if you’re dealing with larger dog breeds.

  • First Formula: The weight at two weeks multiply by three plus one pounds. For example, for a two-month-old Pom that weighs 1.5 lbs., the equation is (1.5 x 3) + 1 = 5.5. 
  • Second Formula: The weight at three months multiply by two. For example, for a three-month-old Pom that weighs 3 lbs., the equation is 3 x 2 = 6. 

Remember that these are just estimates; you don’t have to worry too much if something seems off!

Consult with your vet every time you’re not sure about the growth rate of your Pomeranian pup because he might be in the middle of a growth spurt that changes the final estimate.

You’ll be surprised that most pet Poms are still very healthy even when they grow up to around 10 pounds, which is past the standard pounds.

Puppy dogs undergo many changes, losing their puppy fur during the process.

It is interesting to know that a dog, the Pom, is born with all its hair follicles and will live with them for the rest of his life.

The hair follicle is a small area of the skin with many tiny openings where hair grows.

Poms have two coats: one short on the inside and one long on the top.

Pomeranians often lose their puppy fur as they grow older.

New-born Pomeranian pups have smooth skin, just like any other smooth-coated dog.

Their fur starts quickly increasing on the existing hair follicles on their skins in a few months.

Puppy fur will continue to grow as long as the hair follicles in the puppy’s skin are present.

The Poms eventually lose their puppy coat, and as they age, they develop their new fluffy coat.

After three to six months, the puppy coat will start falling out and be replaced with the adult coat.

This stage is also known as the ugly stage of a Pomeranian puppy.

Therefore, your pooch will likely start looking monstrous because the puppy coat falls out more quickly than the adult coat grows.

How Long Does It Take For A Pomeranian To Get Fluffy?

As a first-time owner of a Pomeranian, you might be curious about when to expect your furry friend to develop a full coat!

So instead of asking “When do Pomeranians stop growing?”, We need to ask “When do they start getting fluffy?”.

When a Pom develops to adulthood, the coat grows to a certain genetically predetermined length.

Your Pomeranian has a lovely, fluffy coat that looks beautiful, and they do, except that it covers most of their face.

However, the skin won’t cover the eyes even when he grows into an adult.

Pomeranian pups are covered in a smooth layer of white fur that looks very nice when born.

It will take about a year or two for your Pomeranian fur to develop and become entirely fluffy.

Pom puppies will eventually lose their puppyhood fluffy coats, which is completely normal. 

In other words, the Pom is expected to grow a new fluffy coat when he is one year old.

But even if he hasn’t started growing the new coat, you shouldn’t be too worried because it’s usually just a matter of time before you start noticing the new fluffy coat.

When do Pomeranians stop growing

At What Age Do Pomeranians Get Their Full Coat?

One day, a beautiful Pom may not have the dazzling fluffy coat they are known for.

This happens because your Pom’s puppyhood coat has to fall out, and he’ll have to grow a new adulthood coat.

So when do Pomeranians stop growing and develop this beautiful coat?

Pomeranians will have a fluffy coat when they are 12 to 15 months old.

During your Pomeranian’s first year, they will go through many different stages.

When you probably bring him home, your puppy will be born with smooth fur that turns into a ball of fluff.

Then, he’ll enter the teenage stage, where many Pomeranians are called “puppy uglies.”

The undercoat fur of a Pom is called “ground hairs,” which keeps your dog warm, especially during colder months. 

The undercoat will start shedding and show dust bunnies all over.

This happens in preparation for the growth of the full-fluff adulthood coat.

Your Pomeranian will develop an outer coat, often called “guard hairs,” that protects your dog from harsh weather elements such as sun, rain, and snow.

Having a dog groomed regularly will not cause its coat to grow any faster, but it will improve its appearance.

Regardless of the coat-growing stage, you ought to diligently brush the dog.

If you brush your pets often enough, they will not leave any fur on your furniture or clothes.

It is also important to brush mothers who are whelping, so her pups do not start coughing up fur balls!

At What Age Do Pomeranians Get Their Full Coat

Why Your Pom’s Fur Is Not Fluffy

The word “fluffy” refers to the soft fur that Poms have when at around eight weeks old and later on in adulthood.

Owners find themselves asking “when do Pomeranians stop growing?” over concerns that their fur is not yet fluffy.

Some pet owners get worried when they don’t notice the expected growth changes in their pets as they grow!

Here are some reasons why the fur of your Pom is not as fluffy as you expected:


You can expect your Pomeranian to have an extremely fluffy coat when it is a bit older.

If your puppy is just a few days old, it is best to ignore how their coat looks and focus on their good health, nutrition, and training.

This is because he’ll soon start shedding off that coat.

It may take a long time for your dog to get his fluffy fur, and his human parents will only get to see his new coat in the summer.

So, just understanding the different stages of Pom skin growth charts will help you alleviate unnecessary worries.

Overall, be confident that when your Pom is around 15 months old, he’ll have a full fluff.


Genetic inheritances and other health issues can also influence the growth rates of your dog and their fur.

The not-so-fluffy coat of your Pom is likely to be associated with your dog’s lineage.

Just like humans, dogs also inherit certain traits from their parents.

How Long Does It Take For A Pomeranian To Get Fluffy


What you feed your furry friend will impact how his fur grows and looks.

Therefore, you should ensure your dog gets all the necessary nutrients, minerals, fur antioxidants, and vitamins as he grows.

That will help him develop healthier skin and a robust immune system that repels skin diseases that may affect the growth rate of the Pom’s coats.


A Pom’s coat sheds because it’s a double-coated animal.

Therefore, even if the way you do the grooming wouldn’t affect the growth rate of the skin, it affects how fluffy the fur looks in general.


Dry weather can significantly affect your dog’s fur, making it look ugly.

The dry air in any dry weather is generally bad for most animals’ skin.

Health issues

If your dog has certain health conditions that have gone undiagnosed for a long time, the growth and appearance of its fur will be significantly affected.

Since the symptoms of skin diseases manifest on the fur or coat of your dog, you should be able to see them earlier enough and respond accordingly.

At What Age Do Pomeranian Puppies Stop Malting?

When your pup starts transitioning after around four months, his skin may look shaggy because the puppy coat is falling out, and the new coat has not yet started replacing it.

This happens to many breeds of Pomeranian dogs because they shed their coats more rapidly than the newer coat grows.

It is common for puppies to start having ugly-looking coats at four months of age. 

By the time they are 9 to 12 months old, they will have their adult coat.

Remember, gradual shedding will happen year-round as your dog keeps growing.

During puppy uglies, it is very common for Poms to have their coats colored differently.

Their markings may change from black to white to a darker or tanner color. Poms’ coats often get darker or blonder initially, which can last until they are a year old.

Final Thoughts

So, when do Pomeranians stop growing?

Well that depends on whether you mean their size or their coat.

Having a clear understanding of the different growth stages of your Pom’s coat will give helpful information regarding taking good care of your furry friend in every type of fur stage.

Your Pom will lose its puppyhood fluffy coat and develop an adulthood fluffy coat when he is one year old.

However, some pups may take longer depending on various factors, including the type of diet you feed them and genetic inheritances.

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