Top Calm Large Dog Breeds for a Peaceful Home

Discover the perfect serene companions with our list of top calm large dog breeds that will bring tranquility to your home.
Calm large dog breeds - A golden retriever sat calmly

Selecting from the calm large dog breeds becomes a pursuit of tranquility and companionship.

You may envisage a life shared with one of these peaceful big dog breeds.

Known not just for their size, but for their spacious spirits and low-energy demeanor.

This make them ideal partners in both sprawling homes and cozy apartments.

Let’s discover the gentle giants that could fill your home with calm joy without the extra fuss.

Golden Retriever

When it comes to family pets that radiate a joyful spirit and a gentle soul, the Golden Retriever stands out as a popular dog breed.

Affectionate to the core.

A golden retriever sat quietly

These gentle giants bring a harmonious blend of playfulness and placidity.

They make a profound connection with all family members, especially children.

They’re great with kids, patient and forgiving, as they thrive on interaction and affection.

Despite their initial burst of puppy energy, Golden Retrievers mellow with age.

They are celebrated for their obedient nature.

With proper obedience training, these dogs develop into well-mannered companions.

They are eager to please and quick to learn.

Their versatility extends from the family living room to specialized roles such as service and therapy work.

  • Renowned for their social and loving personality.
  • Excel in obedience and are fast learners.
  • Exceptionally friendly with children and make ideal playmates.
  • Experience a notable shift from high-spirited youth to serene adulthood.
  • Strong service and therapy dog skills, contributing to their popularity.

As first-time dog owners or seasoned pet enthusiasts, you’ll find that the Golden Retriever’s agreeable temperament and reliable behavior make them an incomparable choice.

Perfect for anyone seeking a loyal and joyful addition to their household.

Saint Bernard

When you imagine a Saint Bernard, you might visualize a colossal dog.

A dog bounding through snow-capped mountains on valiant rescue missions.

Indeed, these dogs have deservedly earned their place in folklore for their heroic endeavors.

However, far beyond their colossal stature lies a gentle nature, often hidden from the first glance.

At their core, exceptionally gentle and patient creatures.

Gifted with a temperament that makes them outstanding family dogs.

Saint bernard dog laying down

What really sets them apart is their remarkable rapport with the younger members of the family.

Renowned for being great with kids.

They intuitively understand how to modulate their strength.

They can exhibit an extraordinary level of patience.

Their booming bark contrasts sharply with their soft-heartedness.

If you’re in search of a loyal friend who will dote on you and your loved ones, look no further.

One might think that their size will be an impediment indoors.

You’ll find that the Saint Bernard navigates family life with an unexpected grace and amiability.

Fully aware of their bulky frame, they tend to move with a deliberation that minimizes chaos within the home.

A Saint Bernard will relish in being a constant, calming presence in your life.

Ready to partake in family activities or simply relax by your feet, exuding tranquility.

To truly appreciate the attributes of the Saint Bernard, here’s a look at their qualities in a nutshell:

SizeLarge and powerful, yet moves with careful awareness.
TemperamentCalm, patient, and willing to please. Great sensitivity towards family members, especially children.
SociabilityThirsts for human interaction and forms deep bonds with owners.
Role in the FamilyProtector, companion, and gentle playmate.
Best Suited ForFamilies seeking a gentle, protective dog that thrives on affection and inclusivity in family activities.

If you’re looking for a dog that encapsulates the qualities of nurturing, composure, and loyalty, the Saint Bernard is an ideal choice.

Once welcomed into your family, they swiftly become more than a pet;

they become an indispensable part of your everyday life.

Standard Poodle

A standard poodle

When you envision a calm dog breed, the Standard Poodle may not immediately spring to mind.

This breed’s elegance and intelligence are unmatched.

A truly family-friendly canine.

The Standard Poodle holds a special place in the hearts of dog lovers around the world.

Originally bred for their proficiency in hunting and retrieving, these intelligent dogs have seamlessly transitioned into the role of beloved companions.

  • Appreciated for their sophisticated and majestic appearance, these canines have a composure that only seems to grow with age.
  • Despite an active start in life, young pups gradually ease into a serene maturity, ideal for adopters seeking a gentle addition to their household.
  • It’s no secret that their clever minds also make for impressive trainability and adaptability, suitable for various roles, be it show dogs or home guardians.

Below is a snapshot of what makes Standard Poodles a top choice for adopters:

TemperamentCalm, dignified, and composed, especially in adulthood
IntelligenceHighly intelligent and eager to learn; excellent in obedience
Family-Friendly NatureExceptionally good with family members, often patient with children
Historical RoleOriginally hunters and retrievers, now versatile companions

In the company of a Standard Poodle, you’re not only bringing in a striking presence into your home but also a loving and wise family member.

Their transition from active puppies to tranquil adults exemplifies their adaptability.

Truly reflecting the quintessential calm dog breed for a peaceful household.


Perfect if you’re seeking a large, amiable dog that thrives in family environments.

The Newfoundland stands as a paragon of gentle canine companionship.

Commonly known as nanny dogs, these majestic creatures have earned their nickname due to their patience and nurturing instincts.

They are great with kids and a treasured addition to any household.

A newfoundland dog out in the woods (1)

Newfoundlands are not only well-regarded for their affectionate dispositions but also for their utilitarian history.

Their lineage can be traced to the rugged coasts of their eponymous Canadian province.

They were indispensable helpers to fishermen and acclaimed heroes in water rescue operations.

Your Newfie’s inclination to swim is a powerful testament to the breed’s storied heritage as aquatic lifeguards.

  • Tranquil Nature: Despite their impressive size, often exceeding 130 pounds, Newfoundlands are exemplars of tranquility.
  • Child-Friendly: As nanny dogs, they display an extraordinary empathy towards children, gently guarding and playing with the youngest members of the family.
  • Physical Attributes: The Newfoundland features a robust double coat, engineered by nature to withstand icy waters and chilling winds. This double coat, while luxuriously thick, does require regular grooming, particularly during shedding seasons to maintain its luster and health.
  • Moderate Activity Requirements: They need moderate exercise to keep fit and happy, offering the perfect balance for families who enjoy outdoor adventures without the rigors of high-energy activities.

Irish Wolfhound

When you envision serene and calm large dogs, the noble Irish Wolfhound is a breed that stands tall among its peers.

Their historical prowess as skilled hunters is a stark contrast to the easygoing nature that makes them such beloved companions in modern times.

An Irish Wolfhounds presence in your home brings a feeling of grandeur matched with an incredibly gentle spirit.

Despite their size, these giant hounds are known for their patient and affectionate demeanor.

An irish wolfhound stood on a track

As you spend time with an Irish Wolfhound, you’ll notice the breed’s inclination for laid-back activities.

Though they do enjoy a chance to stretch their long legs with moderate exercise.

Your dogs double coat does not require as much grooming as you might think.

Here’s a simple guide to keep your Irish Wolfhound looking regal and ready for any adventure:

Grooming TaskFrequencyTools Needed
Brushing2-3 times per weekPinh brush, slicker brush
BathingEvery few months or as neededDog-friendly shampoo, towel
Nail TrimmingEvery 4-6 weeksNail clippers or grinder
Ear CleaningAs neededCotton balls, ear cleanser
Teeth BrushingSeveral times a weekDog toothbrush, canine toothpaste

Embracing the life of an Irish Wolfhound owner means welcoming a serene companion into your life.

One whose size is only outmatched by their boundless love and quiet strength.

Basset Hound

If you’re looking for a loyal companion that matches your slow-paced lifestyle, look no further than basset hounds.

These gentle dogs may be short in stature but their endearing presence can fill up any room.

These low-energy large dogs are an ideal choice for families seeking a placid pet.

A Basset Hound laid on the ground outside

Bassett hounds are the quintessential example of a dog breed that radiates tranquility.

With their long, floppy ears and soulful eyes, they encapsulate a unique blend of charm and calmness.

These dogs are built solidly, giving them a remarkable presence that makes them one of the most beloved low-energy large dogs.

  1. Noted for their calm and slow paced gait, Basset hounds prefer leisurely walks over high-energy activities, making them perfect for owners who enjoy relaxed outings.

  2. They are renowned for their patience and make wonderful companions for children, often showing great forbearance and affection.

  3. While their energy levels are low, it’s important to engage them with mild activities to maintain their health and to ensure that they continue to be amiable, low-energy large dogs.

Their serene disposition doesn’t mean they lack personality;

these basset hounds often exhibit a warm-hearted spirit and display a keen sense of loyalty towards their family.

Whether sprawled out on the living room floor or ambling through the garden, they find joy in the simple pleasures of home life.

Remember, the key to a happy Basset Hound is regular, gentle exercise and a loving home where they can thrive as part of the family.

If you’re prepared to give them the love and care they need, a Basset Hound could be the perfect new addition to your calm, peaceful home.


When you picture a family dog, the Leonberger should certainly come to mind.

Originally bred in the picturesque mountains of Germany.

These amiable canines have transitioned from pure companionship roles to versatile farm helpers.

Tipping the scales at a hefty 170 pounds while exuding nothing but warmth and friendliness.

As a prospective or current dog owner, you’d be pleased to know that family-friendly is intrinsic to the Leonberger’s nature.


Their genial disposition ensures they are a perfect match for homes bustling with activity and affection.

Walking a Leo doesn’t necessarily mean a Herculean effort;

a stroll and playtime in a spacious backyard can suffice to keep them content and healthy.

One should note, though, that owning a Leonberger means dealing with their luscious double coat.

Shedding is seasonal, occurring typically twice a year.

Regular grooming sessions are essential to maintain that distinctive lion-like mane.

  • Remarkably affectionate and gentle
  • Great for families
  • Moderate exercise needs
  • Year-round grooming for a pristine coat

Your heart might just be set on welcoming a Leonberger into your life.

These noble dogs offer more than just physical grandeur;

they bring an atmosphere of calm and companionship that few breeds can match.

So, as you contemplate the addition of a new furry member to your family, consider the Leonberger.

Bergamasco Sheepdog

If you’re seeking an easygoing giant dog breed.

One that is both unique in appearance and serene in nature.

The Bergamasco Sheepdog might just be your match.

Originally bred in the Italian Alps.

A Bergamasco sheepdog sat on the grass

This ancient herding breed has evolved into one of the most mellow breeds of big dogs.

Perfectly suited for a relaxed family lifestyle.

Yet, it’s their distinct coat that often draws the most curiosity.

The Bergamasco’s woolly, felt-like fur isn’t just a fashion statement—

it’s a testament to the breed’s historical role in the rugged mountain terrain where they would herd and guard livestock.

In fact, it is specifically adapted to protect the Bergamasco from harsh weather and predators.

Fortunately for you, their impressive coat doesn’t require the grooming that similar large breeds might need.

Don’t let their robust exterior fool you;

these dogs have a heart of gold and a disposition to match.

They are known to be patient and protective, yet they exude a remarkable tranquility.

Bergamasco Sheepdog TraitsDescription
TemperamentIntelligent, patient, protective
Exercise NeedsModerate; enjoys relaxed walks and mental stimulation
Coat MaintenanceMinimal grooming; unique felted coat protects against elements
Suitability for FamiliesExcellent; gentle and mellow character
HeritageOriginally bred for herding and guarding livestock
SizeLarge with a strong, muscular build
AdaptabilityAdapts well to various living environments, including apartments

Furthermore, the Bergamasco Sheepdog’s demeanour makes them an excellent companion.

They may not be the most energetic of playmates, but what they offer in serenity and companionship is unmatched.

The Old English Sheepdog

Old English Sheepdog walking outside

If you’re looking for a relaxed and gentle large dog breed, the Old English Sheepdog might just be the furry friend you need.

Cherished for its affable nature.

This breed is originally bred for herding but has become a treasured family member in homes across the world.

Despite their playful energy during puppyhood, Old English Sheepdogs typically develop a more serene and affable temperament as they mature.

Ideal for those seeking a tranquil household companion.

Not only is their temperament a perfect fit for family life, but their iconic double coat also adds to their charm.

This lush fur does require some care, so let’s look at what grooming your shaggy companion entails:

Grooming TaskFrequencyTips
BrushingDaily to weeklyHelps prevent matting and keeps the coat fluffy.
BathingEvery 4-8 weeksUse dog-specific shampoo to preserve the coat’s natural oils.
TrimmingEvery 6-8 weeksEspecially around the eyes and feet for better visibility and cleanliness.
Ear CleaningWith every bathKeep ears dry to prevent infections.

Equipped with this grooming knowledge, you’re well on your way to enjoying a harmonious life with one of the most beloved large dog breeds known for its gentle soul.

An Old English Sheepdog’s jovial and friendly disposition, combined with its love for companionship, makes it the perfect pet for any family longing for a sizeable, cuddly friend.

Great Pyrenees

If you’re searching for a loyal and protective breed.

A companion that emits a sense of calmness and grace.

The Great Pyrenees may be your perfect match.

Known for their noble and protective instincts.

Great Pyrenees mountain dog sat in the garden

These dogs have historically served as guardians of livestock.

This legacy equips the Great Pyrenees with a vigilant yet quiet disposition.

Don’t let their impressive size intimidate you.

The canine belongs to those quiet and chilled-out big breeds.

Ones that display a remarkably laid-back personality within the family sphere.

Yes, their instinct may drive them to bark when they sense a threat, but this can be managed with proper training and socialization.

Even though they are fond of lounging around, your companion will still require moderate exercise.

Balanced physical activity is key to sustaining their mental and physical well-being.

This ensures that your four-legged friend remains the laid-back and affectionate companion you cherish.

  • Majestic protective breed with a reserved nature
  • Quiet and independent, making them excellent for families and homes seeking tranquility
  • Requires regular grooming due to their impressive double coat
  • Needs moderate exercise to maintain their calm demeanor

Great Dane

If you’re in search of an even-tempered and friendly giant for your family, Great Danes may be the perfect fit.

Often referred to as gentle giants, these popular dogs exhibit a noble and easygoing demeanor.

This can make them ideal pets for households with enough space to accommodate their size.

Great Danes have earned admiration for their ability to form strong bonds with their owners.

They display great affection towards all family members.

A great dane laid down

Let’s dive deeper into what makes Great Danes such wonderful companions:

  • Despite their formidable size, often tipping the scales at around 140 pounds, they are famously known for squeezing themselves onto couch laps, showcasing their endearing and easygoing attitude.
  • These giants hail from Germany, where their ancestors were originally bred for hunting boar and serving as guardians. However, they’ve since transitioned into a more peaceful lifestyle as cherished family members.
  • Although Great Danes are large, they have moderate exercise requirements. A couple of brisk walks and some playtime each day are usually sufficient to keep them happy and healthy.
  • For a dog of its size, the breed boasts a relatively high life expectancy, living on average between 7 to 10 years. This is notable considering the shorter lifespans of many giant dog breeds.
  • With their short, sleek coats, Great Danes require minimal grooming and are known for minimal shedding, making upkeep a breeze.

Below is a brief overview of Great Dane characteristics to consider:

Average Weight110-140 lbs (Female), 140-175 lbs (Male)
Exercise NeedsModerate (Daily walks and play sessions)
PersonalityEasygoing, affectionate, gentle
Life Expectancy7-10 years
Grooming NeedsLow (Minimal shedding, occasional baths)

Whether sprawling out on the couch or taking a leisurely stroll through the park, a Great Dane can bring a sense of grace and joy to your daily life.

While they may initially seem imposing, you’ll quickly discover that these popular dogs are as kind-hearted as they come.

If you’ve got enough room in your home—and your heart—a Great Dane could be the furry friend you’ve been looking for.

Scottish Deerhound

If you’re captivated by the allure of Calm dog breeds.

If you’re seeking a dog that exemplifies serenity.

The Scottish Deerhound may be your ideal pet.

Known for their striking resemblance to the beloved Irish Wolfhound.

Scottish Deerhounds encapsulate the essence of a calm dog breed.

Scottish Deerhound sat on the grass by a lake

Originally bred for the rigorous demands of hunting giant red deer across the mists of Scotland.

Today’s Deerhounds have embraced a more tranquil lifestyle, though they still cherish their daily strolls and spirited playtime.

Despite their undeniable need for regular exercise to maintain their athletic form.

Scottish Deerhounds are just as content lounging on a comfy bed or sprawled out on the living room rug.

Much like their ancestors, who roamed the lush Scottish Highlands.

These dogs adore lengthy naps after their exercise sessions.

When it comes to family life, Deerhounds are affable and composed.

This makes them an exceptional choice for a household yearning for a large but calm dog.

Scottish Deerhound TraitsDescription
TemperamentAmiable, gentle, and serene
Exercise NeedsDaily walks and playtime with periods of relaxation
Coat CareRegular brushing to maintain their shaggy yet elegant coat
Good With FamiliesYes, known for being affectionate with children and adults alike
Historical RoleOriginally bred for hunting in Scotland
SizeLarge breed, with a noble and commanding presence

Whether you live in an open country home or a more urban setting, the Scottish Deerhound adapts well to various living environments.

As long as they have enough room to stretch their legs and a comfortable place to rest.

As the epitome of gentle giants, add a Scottish Deerhound to your life, and discover the joy of a quiet yet substantial canine companion.

Bernese Mountain Dog

If you’re considering adding a furry member to your family.

The Bernese Mountain Dog might just capture your heart.

This charming breed has its roots in the Swiss Alps .

It is a symbol of the strength and resilience found in the Bernese mountain range.

Not just brawn, these dogs are also known for their serene presence and affectionate nature.

This makes them ideal family pets.

A bernese mountain dog

They have a history of herding livestock and pulling carts.

They are equipped with an impressive mix of muscle and agility.

As adults, they transform from playful pups into calm companions, perfect for those quiet evenings at home.

It’s important to highlight that despite their pastoral origins, they fit into the family environment with ease.

They display gentleness, especially around children.

One key aspect of Bernese Mountain Dogs is their striking double coat.

This not only provides them with warmth against the alpine chills but also adds to their majestic appearance.

This luxurious fur does come with a caveat—a commitment to regular grooming.

Below is a table outlining the grooming needs for your Bernese Mountain companion:

SeasonGrooming ActivityFrequencyBenefits
Spring / FallBrushingDailyManages shedding, distributes natural oils, prevents matting
Winter / SummerBrushingWeeklyMaintains coat health, removes loose hair
Year RoundBathingAs neededCleans the coat, reduces odors, checks for skin issues
Year RoundNail TrimmingMonthlyPrevents overgrowth, protects foot health, improves comfort


Beloved for their sleek silhouette and noble history on the racing tracks.

Greyhounds have earned a reputation for their speed and athleticism.

Yet, it’s their serene and calm behavior in domestic settings that make them a favored choice among quiet big dog breeds.

A greyhound out on a walk

They are the epitome of grace and poise.

Often surprising those unfamiliar with the breed with their laid-back characteristics.

If you’re seeking a companion that mirrors tranquility, a greyhound might be the perfect match for your lifestyle.

Despite their potential for swift sprints, these dogs are more inclined to stretch out on a cozy bed, basking in the quietude of a peaceful home.

Here’s a glance at the attributes of greyhounds that make them such a serene and calm addition to any family:

TemperamentEquable and gentle, often described as cat-like in their demeanor
Energy LevelsBrief bursts of high energy followed by extended periods of rest
Exercise NeedsShort walks paired with occasional opportunities to sprint in a secure environment
Grooming RequirementsLow-maintenance due to their short coat, requiring only occasional brushing
Compatibility with FamiliesExcellent, particularly with those who appreciate a gentle and undemanding pet
Noise LevelsKnown for being particularly silent, rarely given to barking

Whether you live in a spacious home or a comfortable apartment, greyhounds adapt remarkably well.

Their agreeability makes them a joy to have around, ensuring that your dwelling remains a sanctuary of calm.

If you’re after peaceful walks and a devoted friend, the greyhound stands as a testament to the gentle nature that large dog breeds can offer.

The Mastiff

If you’re seeking a loyal companion with an impressively large stature.

The Mastiff may be the perfect addition to your family.

Often considered the epitome of gentle giants.

Mastiffs hail from Great Britain and stand as the heaviest of all dog breeds.

Despite their historical roles in wars and hunts, today’s Mastiffs are celebrated for their affectionate nature and excellent rapport with children.

A mastiff stood outside

A true testament to the breed’s adaptability and gentle spirit.

As a prospective or current dog owner, you’ll find that Mastiffs embody the qualities of easygoing giant dog breeds.

They’re known for beautiful short coats that require minimal grooming.

Sparing you from the often time-consuming upkeep associated with long-haired breeds.

Their patient demeanor and family-oriented approach make Mastiffs the living definition of a family-friendly pet.

While they might cast an imposing shadow, those familiar with these colossal canines know their size is merely a gentle facade to a loving personality.

To keep your Mastiff content and healthy, you’ll want to ensure they receive a moderate amount of daily exercise.

This helps in maintaining their calm character and supports a harmonious life within your home.

With your Mastiff, you’ll soon discover the joy of having a steadfast guardian whose presence brings peace of mind.

Embrace the serene spirit of these magnificent creatures and let their tranquil presence enrich your life.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some of the top calm large dog breeds for a peaceful home?

Some of the top calm large dog breeds perfect for a peaceful home include the Golden Retriever, Saint Bernard, Standard Poodle, Newfoundland, Irish Wolfhound, Basset Hound, Leonberger, Bergamasco Sheepdog, Old English Sheepdog, Great Pyrenees, Great Dane, Scottish Deerhound, Bernese Mountain Dog, Greyhound, and Mastiff.

Why is the Golden Retriever considered a popular and calm large dog breed?

The Golden Retriever is considered a popular and calm large dog breed due to its easy-going, affectionate nature and well-suited temperament for families, including being great with kids. They are also known for calming down as they grow past their energetic puppy years.

Are Saint Bernards good family dogs?

Yes, Saint Bernards are excellent family dogs. They are known for their gentle and patient demeanor, particularly good with children, making them great additions to the family.

What makes the Standard Poodle a good choice for a calm dog breed?

As a breed that is intelligent and family-friendly, the Standard Poodle is known for its calm and docile nature, especially as it matures. They have a history of being originally bred for hunting and retrieving but are now appreciated for their friendly temperament.

Why are Newfoundlands known as “nanny dogs”?

Newfoundlands are known as “nanny dogs” because of their tranquil and protective behavior around children. They are celebrated for their calm nature and are often very gentle with kids.

What kind of temperament do Greyhounds have in a home environment?

In a home environment, Greyhounds are known to have a composed and laid-back temperament. They enjoy relaxing for long periods, although they do appreciate opportunities for intermittent sprints.

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