10 Best Large Dog Breeds That Are Good With Cats

Explore the best large dog breeds that are good with cats for a harmonious pet-filled home. Find the perfect gentle giant to join your feline friend.

Large Dog Breeds That Are Good With Cats (1)

Believe it or not, the tale of cats versus dogs doesn’t always end in a furry feud.

If you’re the proud parent of a cat and looking to introduce a canine friend into your family, you may be pleasantly surprised,

There is an array of large dog breeds that are good with cats.

The key to a harmonious household is choosing the right dog breeds.

Particularly those known for their affability and adaptability.

From the gentle giants that will watch over your whiskered buddies to the loving companions that seek furry friendship.

The best large dog breeds for cat owners are those gifted with patience and a placid nature.

Whether you’re drawn to big dog breeds for their protective instincts or you’re enchanted by the idea of your pets nuzzling up together.

Discovering the best large dog breeds good with cats is essential for cultivating a cat-friendly home.

So, prepare to dispel the myth that dogs and cats must be at odds.

With large dogs and cats coexisting peacefully, your home can become a testament to interspecies friendship.

Explore with us the breeds for cats that make the idyllic playmates and snooze buddies for your purring companion.

The 10 Best Large Dog Breeds That Are Good With Cats

Standard Poodle: A Cat-Friendly Companion Among Large Dog Breeds

Are you seeking a large dog breed that’s good with cats?

Look no further than the Standard Poodle.

A breed renowned for its capacity to blend into households with feline members.

Poodles are not only intelligent but also boast a gentle temperament.

Making them ideal for cat owners looking for a sizable but harmonious pet addition.

The key to cultivating a bond between your Standard Poodle and cat lies in early socialization.

A Poodle dog playing with cats

Introducing them at a young age allows them to grow accustomed to one another.

Facilitating a friendly rapport.

Many Poodles go beyond mere tolerance.

Displaying a playfulness that’s often enthusiastically reciprocated by their feline housemates.

Establishing a steady routine and clear boundaries through consistent training sets the stage for your Standard Poodle and cat to forge a deep, affable connection.

  • Poodles’ intelligence makes them quick learners, which aids in positive cat interactions.
  • With proper training, Standard Poodles can learn to respectfully engage with cats, sometimes becoming protective of their smaller companions.
  • Being one of the large dog breeds good with cats, Poodles adapt their play style to be gentle to ensure they don’t intimidate or harm their feline friends.

Considering a Standard Poodle as your next pet means welcoming a dog that’s not just good with cats but also an affectionate and loyal family member.

They embody the idea that large dogs and cats can live together in harmony.

Challenging the conventionally held belief about the dog-cat dynamic.

Standard Poodle TraitsBenefits for Cat Households
High intelligenceEasier to train for peaceful cohabitation
Gentle dispositionLess risk of aggressive behavior
Sociable natureApt to form bonds with other pets
AdaptableCan adjust energy levels around cats
Protective instinctsMay become a cat’s guardian and playmate

If you’re looking for a large but gentle breed that can seamlessly integrate into your cat-inclusive home, the Standard Poodle is an outstanding choice.

Their ability to engage thoughtfully with cats while being a joyful addition to your home makes them a treasured companion for any pet lover.

Labrador Retriever: A Cat-Friendly Companion

Are you a feline lover contemplating the addition of a Labrador Retriever?

You might find yourself wondering how well these energetic large dogs and cats cultivate a friendship.

Labradors, or ‘Labs’, are often revered as one of the best dog breeds for their adaptable and friendly nature, which extends beyond human interactions.

When it comes to being good with cats, these gentle dogs display a disarming patience and a soft spot for their feline housemates.

A Labrador Retriever sat with a cat (1)

Their inherent sociability and kindness position them among the top big dog breeds for cat owners.

Perfect for those seeking to introduce a larger canine pal into a home already ruled by whiskers and purrs.

  • Understanding and Patience: Labradors demonstrate a heartfelt willingness to understand their feline companions, often exhibiting a gentle approach during their initial encounter.
  • Playmates and Snuggle Buddies: Revered for their playful spirit, Labs can learn to modulate their strength and engage in harmonious play, transitioning to peaceful snuggle sessions with their cat peers.
  • Intelligence and Trainability: The Labrador Retriever’s eager-to-please attitude greatly facilitates blending in with feline friends, as they can be trained effectively to respect boundaries and promote a friendly rapport.

Keep in mind that early socialization is key to developing the bond between cats and big dog breeds.

Introducing a Labrador to your cat during its puppy stages can create a durable friendship.

Many Labs becoming protective and affectionate siblings to their feline family members.

If you’re looking to expand your pet family, the Labrador Retriever might just be the furry ambassador of peace you need.

Golden Retriever

When it comes to finding a large dog breed that exhibits not only loyalty to their human companions but also a friendly attitude towards feline family members, the Golden Retriever stands out.

Recognized for their endearing nature.

Golden Retrievers are celebrated as one of the friendliest dogs.

Their rapport with cats is no exception.

These fluffy companions are known to show considerable patience and tenderness.

Making them ideal dogs that are good with cats.

A Golden Retriever playing with a cat

Golden retrievers are not just friendly; they are also incredibly intelligent and trainable.

This means you’ll find them among the top of the list for cat-friendly large dog breeds.

They tend to form deep bonds with all members of the family, whether two-legged or four-legged.

With the right guidance and socialization, you can expect your Golden Retriever to treat your cat with the same jovial kindness they show everyone else.

  • Noted for their gentle temperament
  • Highly responsive to training
  • Keen to form close familial bonds
  • Naturally empathetic and patient

As you consider welcoming one of these large dog breeds that are good with cats into your home, remember that the key to a harmonious relationship lies in proper introductions and ongoing positive reinforcement.

While every dog is an individual with its own personality, the Golden Retriever breed, as a whole, has a track record of being one of the most amiable dogs and cats companions you could hope for in a large breed dog.

Understanding the German Shepherd’s Compatibility with Cats

As you explore the dynamic between German Shepherds and their feline counterparts,

it’s key to note that the aristocratic German Shepherd is among the more intelligent dogs.

A trait recognized and appreciated by the Kennel Club.

Known for their loyalty and versatility.

German Shepherd dogs possess the capacity to be good with cats.

Especially when their training begins early.

Their trainability isn’t merely a virtue but a gateway to forming amiable pet relationships within your household.

A cat and a German Shepherd playing on the grass together (1)

Despite their size and strong prey drive, these large dogs can be taught to distinguish between prey and pets.

It is the early and consistent socialization that helps mitigate their natural chasing instinct.

This honing of instincts does not happen overnight and requires patience and a structured approach.

  • Introduction to the cat in a controlled environment, ensuring the safety of both pets.
  • Positive reinforcement when the German Shepherd behaves calmly around the cat.
  • Teaching commands like ‘leave it’ to curb chasing behaviors.

In time, your German Shepherd can learn to see the family cat as a companion rather than a target.

Becoming a protective ally rather than a threat.

The notion of dog breeds good with cats often brings to mind smaller, more docile canines.

The German Shepherd defies this expectation with the right guidance and training.

While dog breeds good with cats vary widely in character, the German Shepherd’s aptitude for companionship crosses species barriers.

If you’re considering a German Shepherd for a home with cats, invest in their potential as a compassionate protector and ensure you’re prepared for the training journey ahead.

Newfoundland: The Gentle Giant Among Large Dog Breeds

When you think of large dogs that get along with cats, the Newfoundland might not be the first breed that comes to mind due to its grand stature.

However, their size belies a remarkably gentle temperament.

This often makes them perfect gentle dogs for homes with cats.

A newfoundland puppy is great with cats (1)

The Newfoundland is a patient and protective companion.

Sometimes referred to as a “nanny dog” for their reliable nature.

  • Newfoundlands are known for their calm disposition, and despite their size, they are one of the big dogs that get along with cats quite well.
  • If you’re seeking dog breeds that are well with cats, the Newfoundland should be high on your list due to their nurturing personality.
  • They make excellent family pets and are considered one of the most gentle dogs, often forming a special bond with every family member, be it human or feline.

Newfoundlands are predisposed to be good-natured.

Like all dogs, they require proper training to live harmoniously with cats.

Introductions should be managed carefully due to their size.

Supervised interactions ensure that their playfulness does not overwhelm their smaller friends.

Newfoundlands have a strong desire to please their owners.

This can be especially beneficial when training them to interact safely with other pets.

With consistent guidance and socialization, the Newfoundland is a commendable choice for a cat-friendly home.

These gentle dogs can provide not only companionship for you but for your cat as well.

Embodying the cherished bond between large dogs and cats.

Great Dane: The Cat-Friendly Gentle Giant

If you’re searching for large dog breeds that are good with cats, then the Great Dane may just be the perfect match for your multi-pet household.

Known as gentle giants.

Great Danes possess an inherent sweetness and surprisingly delicate demeanor.

One that endears them to smaller pets, like your feline companions.

A great dane playing with a tuxedo cat

While these cat-friendly big dogs may significantly outweigh cats, their serene presence and peaceful temperament encourage a friendly and patient acclimation process.

It’s important to understand that the successful integration of a Great Dane into a family with cats heavily relies on both supervision and education.

Early interactions should be closely monitored to ensure the safety of your cat, considering the size disparity.

Training for your Great Dane should emphasize mutual respect and peaceful coexistence—qualities that make them one of the good with cats breeds to have in your home.

  • Begin with controlled encounters between your Great Dane and cat to foster a calm environment.
  • Consistently reinforce positive behaviors with praise and treats, teaching your dog that calm interactions with the cat are rewarding.
  • Allow for gradually increased shared time, ensuring they both have safe spaces to retreat if needed.

Remember, the gentle giant with its deeply affectionate heart, can make an excellent companion for your cat.

Ensuring a serene integration process underlines why Great Danes are known as one of the leading peaceful dogs and a top choice among large dog breeds that are good with cats.

Bernese Mountain Dog: Cat-Friendly Colossus

Are you a cat owner pondering over the addition of a large dog to your family mix?

The Bernese Mountain Dog, with its origins nestled in the Swiss mountains, may just be the perfect fit.

A Bernese Mountain dog sat with a ginger cat (1)

Known for their well-balanced, sociable temperament.

These dogs typically get along well with cats and often assimilate into homes with feline residents seamlessly.

Here’s why the Bernese Mountain Dog stands out among big dog breeds for cat owners.

  • Early Socialization: Introducing a Bernese Mountain Dog to your cat at a young age can significantly help in forming a strong bond between the two species.
  • Calm Demeanor: Their inherently calm nature means they’re less likely to exhibit aggressive behaviors towards cats.
  • Protective Instinct: Despite their size, Bernese Mountain Dogs often have a gentle and protective approach to smaller animals, including cats.
CharacteristicBenefit to Cat Owners
SizeLarge yet gentle, unlikely to overwhelm your cat
TemperamentFriendly towards humans and animals alike, including cats
IntelligenceHighly trainable on how to interact well with cats
Energy LevelThey possess a moderate energy level that matches well with the calm nature of cats

When considering the Bernese Mountain Dog, it’s important to remember that individual personalities can vary.

However, their reputation as one of the more dog breeds good with cats is well-earned.

They typically embrace the role of a gentle giant, providing your cat with a sense of security and companionship.

Should you introduce a Bernese into your home, you’re not just getting a dog, but a safeguard and a friend for your cat.

Basset Hound: A Cat-Friendly Companion

If you’re pondering the addition of a four-legged friend to your cat-inhabited abode and are fascinated by large dog breeds that are good with cats, the Basset Hound might just be the breed to capture your heart.

Cherished for their endearing appearance and mellow personality.

Basset Hounds stand out as one of the cat-friendly large dog breeds.

Known to coexist with feline friends in serene harmony.

A Basset Hound and a cat waiting to be fed (1)

When you imagine a loyal dog that integrates effortlessly into a household with a resident cat, the image of the placid and affable Basset Hound easily comes to mind.

While some larger breeds may let their prey instincts get the better of them, Basset Hounds possess a gentle approach to life.

Their inclination to view cats as part of the family rather than as prey makes them a superb choice for a peaceful, multi-species home.

  • Loyal Nature: Bassets are synonymous with loyalty, often forming an unbreakable bond with their human and animal family members alike.
  • Patience Personified: With a natural disposition that leans toward patience, these dogs take the bustling dynamics of a multi-pet household in stride.
  • Mild-Mannered: Sporting a typically relaxed demeanor, Basset Hounds are less likely to engage in rough play, making them safer companions for your feline.
  • Training With a Sprinkle of Stubbornness: Bassets have a streak of stubbornness, but it’s nothing persistence and positive reinforcement can’t overcome.

In summary, if you’re scouting for loyal dogs that are good with cats, you can’t go far wrong with a Basset Hound.

They epitomize the ideal pooch for keeping the peace and spreading the love in homes graced by the presence of cats.

So, go ahead, let this long-eared companion trot into your life and watch as a friendship blossoms under your roof.

Boxers: A Cat-Friendly Choice for Energetic Dog Lovers

If you’re a cat owner contemplating the addition of a large dog breed to your family, you might be concerned about compatibility.

Look no further than Boxers, renowned for their vivacious and playful nature.

Their high energy levels make them perfect companions for active households when introduced correctly.

Boxers can form fast friendships with cats.

They’re an ideal example of big dog breeds for cat owners who are looking for a loyal and affectionate pet.

A Boxer dog is ideal for cat owners (1)

One that can match the lively antics of their feline friends.

It’s essential to consider the socialization process when introducing a Boxer to your cat.

With their enthusiastic demeanor, Boxers may at first seem overwhelming to your cat.

With patience and proper training, Boxers typically learn to adjust their play style.

Training them to understand cat cues and respecting boundaries ensures a harmonious living situation for these energetic dogs.

A well-socialized Boxer is often gentle and sensitive to the needs of their cat companions.

Strengthening the bond between cats and big dog breeds in your home.

  • Start introductions between your Boxer and cat slowly, in a controlled environment.
  • Always supervise their interactions until you’re confident they’ve built a mutual understanding.
  • Provide separate spaces for each pet to retreat to if they feel overwhelmed.
  • Reinforce positive behavior with treats and praise to foster a friendly rapport.

Indeed, Boxers can be more than just playful dogs; they can become watchful guardians for their smaller animal companions.

Their strong sense of family loyalty means they often become protective of their cat peers.

Making them one of the better large dog breeds that are good with cats.

So if you’re seeking a sociable and spirited canine friend for your cat, consider welcoming a Boxer into your life and enjoy the dynamic energy they’ll bring to your pet-filled home.

Great Pyrenees: The Benevolent Giants

If you’re seeking a large dog breed that is good with cats, the Great Pyrenees should be at the top of your list.

These guardian dogs have a history steeped in watchfulness and loyalty.

Traits that have been repurposed from flock protection to family guardianship.

If you own cats, you’ll be amazed at the Great Pyrenees’ inherent patience and their protective streak.

Traits graciously extending to their feline housemates.

Patience is a hallmark of the Great Pyrenees temperament.

Making them among the most patient dogs you can find.

A great pyrenees is a good large dog with cats (1)

This is especially beneficial in scenarios where the dog must share space and resources with cats.

Although each pet, by nature, has distinct needs, the harmonious coexistence between your Great Pyrenees and cats is facilitated by the dog’s gentle approach and protective instincts.

Here’s a table to guide big dog breed enthusiasts, like you, in understanding why the Great Pyrenees can be an excellent choice for cat owners:

CharacteristicsImpact on Feline Cohabitation
Protective NatureInstinctively safeguards cats as part of the family unit
Calm DemeanorReduces the likelihood of stress-related reactions towards cats
PatienceAllows cats to grow comfortable at their own pace
Separation of Feeding AreasPrevents food competition, preserving peace at mealtimes
Size and StrengthOffers physical protection to cats from external threats

While the Great Pyrenees is inherently good with cats, consider setting up separate feeding stations to further nurture an environment free of contention.

It’s little adjustments like these that position the Great Pyrenees as the perfect big dog breed for cat owners looking to expand their furry family without disrupting the household’s serenity.

Remember that with the right guidance and love, your pets will set the foundation for a lifelong, interspecies friendship.


In the vast world of canines, you’ll find that cat-friendly large dog breeds offer a beautiful counter-narrative to the age-old adage of “fighting like cats and dogs.”

Whether you’re a long-time cat owner considering a big-hearted companion,

or a dog lover looking to add a feline friend.

Choosing the right breed can pave the way for a harmonious multi-pet household.

Breeds like the nurturing Newfoundland and the genial Golden Retriever exemplify that large dog breeds that are good with cats are not a rarity but a reality.

Aspiring for a home where big dogs get along with cats is a commitment that blossoms with patience and the right approach.

It entails more than just love at first sight; consider our guide a blueprint for blending worlds.

The best large dog breeds for cat owners are not just those with a gentle disposition but also those willing to learn the ropes of peaceful coexistence.

With dedicated training and attentive socialization, you set the stage for a peaceful relationship.

Allowing your cat and your big dog to thrive together, becoming cooperative playmates rather than rivals.

Your efforts to build a safe and serene environment reinforce the bond between your pets.

Embrace the array of dog breeds for cats and watch as your pets develop a unique camaraderie.

Showcasing that size doesn’t have to be a barrier to a lasting friendship.

When your large dog sidesteps the chase for a gentle nuzzle with your cat, you’ll know that you’ve helped build a truly inclusive family.

One that bridges the gap between cats and big dog breeds with love and care.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Large Dog Breed Is Best With Cats?

The Golden Retriever is often considered one of the best large dog breeds for families with cats. Known for their gentle, friendly nature, and high intelligence, Golden Retrievers can coexist harmoniously with cats when properly introduced and socialized. Their tolerant and easygoing demeanor makes them adaptable to living with other pets, including cats, making them a popular choice for multi-pet households.

Are Mastiffs Good With Cats?

Mastiffs can be good with cats, especially if they are raised together or properly introduced and socialized at an early age. Their calm and gentle nature can make them compatible with cats. However, due to their large size, supervision during initial interactions is advisable to ensure they don’t accidentally harm the cat. Individual temperaments can vary, so it’s important to consider the specific dog’s personality and history with cats. With patience and proper training, Mastiffs can form strong, harmonious bonds with feline family members.

What Dogs Are Aggressive Towards Cats?

Certain dog breeds can have a higher predisposition towards aggression or strong prey drive, which may make them more likely to chase or harm cats. These breeds often include terriers like the Jack Russell Terrier, high-energy working dogs like the Australian Cattle Dog, and sighthounds like the Greyhound, due to their instinctual drive to hunt or chase smaller animals. However, it’s important to note that individual temperament, training, and socialization from a young age play significant roles in how a dog interacts with cats.

Should I Get A Dog If I Have A Cat?

Yes, you can get a dog if you have a cat, provided you choose a dog with a calm temperament and introduce them carefully. Ensure the dog is socialized, and provide separate spaces for each pet. Supervised, gradual introductions help facilitate a peaceful cohabitation. Patience and understanding of each pet’s needs are key.

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