Noticing a gelatinous or slimy material in your dog’s stool can be concerning.
You might be curious about the factors that cause mucus in dog poop, what sets it off, and when it requires a visit to the veterinarian.
A minor presence of mucus in a dog’s stools can be considered normal, but feces heavily coated in slime require immediate attention.
Although mucus-related causes are generally harmless, it is important to know when you should be concerned about your dog.
This article highlights the causes of mucus in dog poop, associated symptoms, and when it is necessary to consult a veterinarian.
Table of Contents
ToggleWhat is a Mucus?
Digestive mucus consists of 74–95% water, exists in the stomach and intestines, and can occasionally be seen in a dog’s stool.
It appears as a clear, glossy substance, described as goop or slime.
This mucus may vary in appearance, sometimes covering the entire stool or just a part, potentially appearing as jelly-like material, and may or may not contain blood.
The Role of Mucus in a Dog’s Digestive System
A dog’s digestive system operates on a 9-hour schedule compared to the 24-hour schedule of humans.
Mucus lining is critical in facilitating nutrient absorption, preventing harmful substances from entering the digestive tract, and excreting them as mucus in dog poop.
Even though mucus is a protective material, it also works as a lubricant for gut peristalsis, essential for moving gut contents.
For example, stomach ulcers, inflammatory bowel disease, and ulcerative colitis result from a low mucus layer.
Normal Dog Poop Appearance
Every dog is unique, but there’s a standard for healthy dog poop.
Ideally, dog poop should have a chocolate brown color, which shows they’re eating well and have a healthy digestive system.
It can be quite normal to have small amounts of mucus in dog poop.
The poop should look like a well-formed log, making it easy to pick up.
The dog poop size differs based on your dog’s consumption, size, and breed.
By checking these general signs, you can check your pet’s health and spot problems early.
Normal Amount of Mucus in a Dog’s Poop
The presence of small quantities of white to pale yellow mucus in your dog’s stool is considered normal and not a reason for alarm.
This mucus can naturally occur in a dog’s feces as it helps lubricate the intestines.
Identifying When Mucus in a Dog Poop Becomes a Concern
It is essential to visit a vet if your dog regularly produces a substantial amount of mucus in stools, particularly where blood is present or is seen expelling mucus without any stool.
Any noticeable alteration in your dog’s bowel habits or signs of discomfort should prompt a visit to the veterinarian.
Excessive Mucus in Dog Poop and Colitis
An abundance of mucus in your dog’s stool often indicates colitis, an inflammation of the colon.
In most cases, dogs with colitis experience loose or watery stools, accompanied by the presence of blood.
This condition can have various triggers, including bacterial infections, parasites, fungi, allergies, stress, or inflammatory bowel disease.
If your veterinarian diagnoses colitis in your dog, they may recommend dietary adjustments, temporary fasting, or medication as part of the treatment plan.
Fortunately, colitis is generally a condition that responds well to treatment.
Understanding the Types of Mucus in Dog Poop
Many people have difficulty recognizing mucus in their dog’s poop.
The mucus in dog poop resembles clear, sticky jelly that covers part or all of the stool.
In cases of diarrhea, you might notice chunks of jelly-like mucus.
Mucus can also have different colors; it’s often white but can appear green, possibly due to food or grass ingestion or a bacterial infection.
If you see red mucus in your dog’s poop, it’s an indication of blood, though food coloring can also cause this.
While not an emergency, bloody mucus in dog stool means gastrointestinal inflammation or straining.
Causes of Mucus in Dog Poop
Here are some of the frequently identified causes which are responsible for mucus in a dog’s poop:
Inappropriate Diet
This may include a habit of scavenging or eating inappropriate substances, which may lead to an inflammation in the digestive tract (colitis), sometimes manifested as mucus in the stool, loose motions, and vomiting.
This condition typically resolves on its own, but a vet visit is necessary if it persists.
Food allergies or intolerances can also contribute to mucus in the stool, often managed with a limited-ingredient diet.
Intestinal parasites (roundworms or whipworms) and microorganisms like Giardia and Cryptosporidium can cause diarrhea, followed by excessive mucus in a dog’s stools.
Bacterial Infection
Dogs may suffer from foodborne illnesses when they ingest spoiled or inadequately cooked food.
Salmonella and E. coli can cause inflammation in the dog’s GI tract, which may lead to bloody diarrhea with mucus.
Vomiting and signs of illness in the dog may also be observed.
Irritable Bowel Disease
Dogs can develop irritable bowel disease triggered by food intolerances or autoimmune issues, resulting in frequent bouts of mucus in dog poop, potential weight loss, refusal to eat, or excessive itching.
Acute Hemorrhagic Diarrhea Syndrome
When a dog’s stool exhibits a significant presence of blood and mucus, often described as resembling raspberry jam, it could signal the presence of Acute Hemorrhagic Diarrhea Syndrome.
Clostridial Enterotoxemia
This bacterial condition is caused by eating raw meats, vegetables, or spoiled food.
Dogs with clostridial enterotoxemia might have diarrhea with a thick layer of mucus, stomach pain, and trouble going to the bathroom.
Food Changes
Switching a dog’s diet can cause temporary digestive upset, including mucus in dog poop.
Gradual food transitions are advisable to prevent this issue.
Dogs, like humans, can experience gastrointestinal upset due to stress.
Changes in routine, environment, or significant life events can lead to diarrhea with noticeable mucus.
Stress-induced diarrhea with mucus usually resolves once the stressor is eliminated or the dog is comforted.
Specific forms of cancer may also result in loose stools with mucus, occasionally accompanied by blood.
Bloody Mucus in Dog Poop
Bloody mucus in a dog poop requires prompt attention.
Here’s why you may see bloody mucus in your canine’s poop:
- Inflammation of gastrointestinal tract: Bloody mucus can appear in a dog’s stool because of colitis, inflammatory bowel disease, or gastritis.
- Parasitic infections: Hookworms and whipworms are some intestinal parasites that may irritate the intestines and cause bloody mucus diarrhea. Regular parasite testing and deworming protocols are essential.
- Infections: Bacterial or viral infections affecting the gastrointestinal tract can result in bloody mucus, with conditions like parvovirus or bacterial gastroenteritis potentially causing this symptom.
- Dietary factors: Intolerances or allergies to specific food ingredients can trigger gastrointestinal distress, potentially resulting in bloody mucus in the stool.
- Polyps or Tumors: Polyps or tumor growth in the gastrointestinal tract may lead to bleeding and the production of bloody mucus in dog stools.
Symptoms Associated With Mucus In Dog Poop
Note the following symptoms when you see mucus in your dog’s poop so that you can give the proper history to your veterinarian.
- Abdominal discomfort
- Flatulence
- Fever
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting
- Lethargy
- Weight loss
- Mucus accompanied by blood in stool
- Yellow jelly-like mucus
- Loss of appetite
- Expelling mucus without defecating
How to Deal with Mucus in Your Dog’s Stool?
Follow the below steps after you see the abnormal mucus in your dog’s poop:
- Observe the behavior of your dog. See if there are any appetite changes or any unusual symptoms. Note changes in bowel movement frequency, consistency, or signs of discomfort.
- Contact your veterinarian and describe the situation. They will offer professional guidance and assess the cause of the mucus in your dog’s stool. Based on their evaluation, they may recommend an appointment or initial actions.
- If possible, gather a fresh stool sample for the vet. This sample aids in diagnostic testing and helps identify the mucus’s cause.
Why You Should Consult a Vet?
Seeking veterinary advice is vital for precise diagnosis.
For parasite-related concerns, using an appropriate dewormer can eliminate parasites and address gastrointestinal issues.
Surgical intervention may be necessary in situations involving intestinal blockages or polyps, while dogs with food intolerance can find relief through a hypoallergenic diet.
Diagnosing The Cause Of Mucus In Dog Poop
Your veterinarian will follow the below procedure to determine the exact cause of mucus in dog poop:
- Medical History and Physical Examination: Your veterinarian will ask questions about your dog’s clinical history, nutrition, and general condition. Signs of distress will be examined, such as palpitation and profuse sweating.
- Diet and Appetite Assessment: Specific questions about your dog’s diet and appetite are important to understand the triggers for gastrointestinal issues. Your vet may also ask about the recent episodes of vomiting and diarrhea.
- Laboratory Tests: Different laboratory tests, like the complete blood count and urinalysis, are performed to assess the general health status of the dog.
- Fecal Float Test: Adult parasites that are present in the dogs’ stomach are traced by doing a fecal float test.
- Colonoscopy: When the vets can’t figure out what’s wrong, they usually do a colonoscopy. As part of this procedure, the large intestine is carefully checked to find any tears, lesions, or irregularities.
- Further Diagnostic Tests: Additional tests depend on the dogs’ clinical signs, in case there was no conclusive test among the tests made. Foreign objects and tumors can be diagnosed through biopsy, X-ray, and ultrasonography.
Treatment of Mucus in Dog Poop
The treatment for mucus in a dog’s stool varies depending on the root cause, which can be due to various factors:
- Indiscriminate Eating or Stress: If stress or bad eating habits are the cause of mucusy stools, the problem might go away on its own without treatment. Transitioning to a bland, easy-to-digest food can be helpful. In mild cases, vets may suggest antidiarrheal medications to stop diarrhea.
- Infections: Your vet will prescribe the appropriate medications (antivirals, antibiotics, anti-parasitic, and antifungals) for your pet’s infection based on its cause.
- Food Allergy: The vet will advise transitioning to a hypoallergenic diet if they suspect your dog has a food allergy.
- Tumors or Growth: If a tumor or another growth is implicated, surgical excision may be necessary, followed by chemotherapy based on the diagnosis and prognosis.
When is it Safe to Delay Medical Treatment?
Mucus in dog poop can be a temporary issue that resolves within a few days, mainly if it’s linked to dietary indiscretion or a diet alteration.
Temporary fasting and introducing a bland diet can help in recovery.
Probiotics or yogurts with live cultures are beneficial for restoring healthy gut flora.
Benefit Of Pet Insurance
Pet insurance can save you from hefty veterinary bills.
The cost of veterinary care can mount up quickly, so getting dog insurance ensures that your furry friend gets the critical care they need.
X-rays, diagnostic testing, routine check-ups, and surgical procedures, are usually covered by most dog insurance plans.
By opting for a pet insurance, you can make informed decisions about your doggy health.
Home Remedies for Managing Mucus in Dog Poop
When your furry friend encounters mucus in poop, some effective strategies can improve their comfort and well-being.
Here are some essential tips to help you manage your dog’s digestive issues and mucus poop at home:
Consider Short-Term Fasting For Dogs
If your dog experiences diarrhea with mucus, giving their digestive system a break can be beneficial by temporarily skipping one or two meals and refraining from giving treats.
Remember that smaller breeds or puppies have faster metabolisms and should not go for extended periods without food.
Increase Dog’s Hydration
Improve your pup’s hydration by keeping your doggy water bowl filled with fresh water or mix sodium free chicken/beef broth to increase intake.
Another option for improved hydration is unflavored Pedialyte.
Try to Decrease Stress
Certain treats, high-fat foods, and specific medications can upset a sensitive dog’s stomach.
Consider providing a simpler diet, which includes boiled chicken and canned pumpkin, to help soothe digestive issues.
Opt for lean meat and avoid adding skin, bones, spices, oils, or butter to your dog’s meals.
Utilize Slippery Elm Bark
Slippery elm bark offers relief for dogs with loose stool and mucus due to its anti-inflammatory properties.
You can blend it into your dog’s food or administer it separately.
Remember not to give your dog slippery elm bark within two hours of giving them any medication.
Preventing Mucus in Your Dog’s Stool
You can not completely prevent mucus in your dog’s stool.
But, you can take important steps mentioned below to reduce its occurrence:
Administration of Anti-Parasitic Medication
Anti-parasitic medications can shield your dog from various intestinal parasites, decreasing the likelihood of mucus appearing in your dog’s stool.
Prevent Inappropriate Ingestion
Monitor your dog’s activities to ensure they avoid consuming non-food items, as this can lead to digestive issues and the presence of mucus in their stool.
Stay vigilant in preventing your dog from ingesting substances that may upset their digestive system.
Support Your Dog’s Gut with Prebiotics and Probiotics
Prebiotics are indigestible food components that help in the growth of beneficial bacteria in your dog’s gut.
Probiotics, on the other hand, are live microorganisms that support the maintenance of a healthy gut flora and help produce healthier, more regular feces.
Choose an Excellent Raw Diet
Selecting a premium raw food can help your dog’s digestion.
The natural nutrients and enzymes found in a raw diet actively assist healthy digestion, which in turn lowers the amount of mucus produced in your pet’s feces.
Final Thoughts
Mucus in the dog’s poop can have various reasons.
Note the consistency and color of your furry friend’sstool to detect any issues.
Contact a veterinarian right away if you notice an excessive amount of mucus or blood in your dog’s stool.
You should monitor your dog’s poop and take necessary action to ensure their good gut health.
Your furry friend deserves nothing less than the best
Frequently Asked Questions
When Should I Worry About Mucus in My Dog’s Stool?
You should take the mucus in your dog’s stool serious if you notice abnormal amount or blood and you should contact your vet immediately in this case.
Mucusy stools are also accompanied by vomiting and bloating.
A vet will conduct diagnostic tests to figure out what’s wrong so they treat them correctly.
What Does Mucus Diarrhea Mean?
If a dog has mucus diarrhea, it could be because of a specific intestinal infection.
But when the mucus is bloody or presents with abdominal pain, that might indicate something more serious, like inflammatory bowel disease or even cancer.
Why is My Dog’s Poop Like Yellow Jelly?
If your dog’s stool is loose, rich in mucus, and appears like a yellow jelly, it is often a result of a food intolerance.
This is particularly noteworthy if you’ve recently changed your dog’s diet.
What Does Mucus in Stool Look Like?
The jelly-like strands or clumps in the stool or a mucus coating on the stool’s surface may signify an underlying health concern.
This mucus can appear white, yellowish-brown, or may have blood.