How To Create A Dead Zone In An Invisible Fence

Dead zones denote areas with no signal coverage along an invisible fence for dogs. Ideally, homeowners deliberately create these gaps to walk their dogs outside their perimeter when the need arises. Your dog can also take advantage of dead zones to move from one section of the yard to the other. For instance, you may want your pet dog to have the freedom to walk along a particular path without wreaking havoc on your flowers. There are multiple tips on how to create a dead zone in an invisible fence, and your approach will depend on the type of fence you have. 

One such means is by positioning two transmitters parallel to each other. You can then optimize the distance between the transmitters to avoid signal overlap. Moreover, optimized spacing allows the transmitters to cover their designated areas. The area where signals do not overlap is a dead zone that a dog can pass through. 

Blocking signals is another technique you can use to create a dead zone within an invisible fence. The method requires you to deploy a pipe conduit underground. The metallic pipe will accommodate a wire from your invisible fence. You can then create a dead zone by driving a spike close to the metallic pipe. 

How to Create a Dead Zone in a Wireless Invisible Fence 

You can form specially crafted dead zones within your wireless fence if you want an area where your pet can walk through unimpeded. Notably, you can use signal transmitters that power wireless fences. In essence, you can lengthen a transmitter’s range by adding an extra transmitter. You can also eliminate a dead zone from your wireless fence by ensuring that the signals emanating from two transmitters overlap. On the other hand, you can form a dead zone by eliminating the signal overlaps. 


How to Create a Dead Zone in an In-ground Invisible Fence

Underground dog fences use low-frequency radio signals together with a buried copper wire to produce a non-lethal electric shock if your dog comes close to the wire. Your dog should have a specially designed electronic collar for the system to work efficiently. Over time, your pet learns to stay away from the fence. In essence, forming a dead zone within the underground fence enables you to take your dog for a walk outside the perimeter when the need arises. 

It is worth noting that there are several steps involved in forming a dead zone within the underground fence. The steps include:

Step One: Make a Twisted Wire

This step involves cutting the two wires of the same length. Ideally, the wires should be of the same type as the wire employed in your underground fence. Also, the length of the wires you cut should be two times greater than the planned dead zone width. Always check the manual of the underground fencing system to determine the exact width of the dead zone.

Step Two: Wrap the Wires

This step involves typically placing the tops of the two wires together and wrapping them with tape. Next, you should tape one of the wires’ ends to a drill chuck. Remember to stretch the cable before flipping the switch of the electric drill. Keep the drill on until every inch on the cable has four wire revolutions. Essentially, twisting the wire in this manner reduces the cable’s length by an estimated 50%. 

Step Three: Removing the Tape 

At this stage, you should remove the tape from the cables’ ends and then twist the two ends together.

Step Four: Creating the Dead Zone

This step entails placing the twisted cable on the underground fence section that you intend to have a dead zone. The twists effectively form a signal gap. Remember to tape the points where you fuse the underground wire with the twisted cable.


How to Craft a Dead Zone by Blocking Signals on Invisible Fences

You can block signals on invisible fences using various techniques. One such method involves the deployment of a metallic pipe conduit. The first step of this process entails laying the pipe at the ground level, where the wires that form your invisible dog fence system lie. Essentially, the pipe acts as a conduit for your wires. Next, you should pass the wire that forms part of your invisible fence through the pipe. After that, drive a spike close to the pipe conduit. The purpose of the spike is to ground signals and ultimately generate a dead zone. 

When executing the above procedure, ensure that the metallic pipe is grounded correctly beforehand. You can ground your pipe by connecting the metallic conduit to a copper wire. Only then can you drive the spike close the conduit. Moreover, you should test the newly crafted dead zone by holding a dog’s collar and attempting to walk through. 

If the dead zone is working as it should, the dog’s collar should not give you any warning as you walk across the gap. You can also test the dead zone’s width by moving sideways. Any beeps on the dog’s collar should alert you that you have reached the zone’s outer limits. The technique is suitable for forming gaps on invisible fences because it allows you to extend the gap’s width if the need arises. 


Alternative Layouts

You can use alternative layouts to generate specially-designed dead zones that suit the needs of your homestead. The layouts include:

Double Loop

Double loops are ideal in instances where you intend to prevent your dog from leaping over or burrowing beneath an existing wooden, metallic, or hedge fence. In implementing double loop layouts, you begin by running a wire along the ground adjacent to your fence. Ideally, the fence should originate from a transmitter. After that, you should run a second wire four feet from the ground along the fence. The second wire should also originate from the transmitter. 

Hourglass Layout

The hourglass option employs one continuous loop covering your front and back yards. The layout effectively forms two loops: a front yard and a back yard loop. The two loops assume an hourglass shape that includes a specially-designed dead zone at the center.

Wrapping Up

Hopefully, you’ve benefitted from our guide on how to create a dead zone in an invisible fence. If you have any questions or insights, feel free to share them with us in the comment box below. 

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